
Building a health data ecosystem that counts and values the lives of all people.

Organization: Academia Data Type: Official statistics, Survey data, Administrative data, Artificial Intelligence
Region: Global Timeline: 2024-2026.
Patrick Slavin, Senior Communications Associate (Contact Person)
Sponsoring Organization:

Gender Equity Unit at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Supporting Organization(s):

Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative


We work to institutionalize gender inclusion and close gender data gaps in collaboration with Data for Health partners.


In 2021, the Gender Equity Unit joined the Data for Health (D4H) initiative to work with partners to institutionalize gender inclusion and close gender data gaps.  We have extensive experience evaluating the impact of gender on collecting and analyzing data in low- and middle-income countries, as well communicating results related to gender equity.

We have multiple outcome areas in our programs, research, and communications strategies, but we commit over the next two years to holding national or regional workshops on gender equity in health data tailored to the needs of specific projects or countries. Under our innovative approach, teams come with their own data and we assist them in analyzing their data through a gender lens. The workshops include teaching presentations and work time tailored to the needs of participants, with follow-up office hours with the workshop facilitators.

Periodic reporting of progress through the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative and closely reviewed evaluations from workshop participants.


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