The D4D Fund Phase II (D4D-II) aims at meeting the demand from most vulnerable IMF member countries for better economic data to improve policymaking, help detect risks and vulnerabilities, support Sustainable Development Goals reporting, and foster transparency.
Having more and better economic data to support evidence-based policies in most vulnerable countries is a journey. The pace of changes in the global economy continues to challenge national statistical systems, spurring demands for fit-for-purpose and timely data to tackle broader policy issues such as climate change, inclusion, food security and geopolitical fragmentation. With uneven economic growth prospects and slow advances on the Sustainable Development Goals, statistical systems in low- and lower middle-income countries risk falling behind in the race for resources. A second phase of the D4D Fund (D4D-II) will allow to continue the bold journey started in 2018.
The D4D Fund Phase II (D4D-II) will continue statistics capacity development in core macroeconomic areas: fiscal and public debt; real and external sector; and financial inclusion. However, its scope will also be expanded to data standards, environmental and climate change statistics, applying innovative technologies (e.g., Big data) for data generation, and promoting the use of data for decision-making.
To be even more efficient, tailored, and impactful, D4D-II will shift towards a more programmatic approach to allow more flexibility in responding to member countries’ needs, circumstances and achieve meaningful results. This will require use of differentiated but complementary capacity development delivery modalities, considering the recipient countries’ diverse needs and absorption capacities. The use of these modalities will be adapted to individual country circumstances and to the design of the D4D-II workstreams. These modalities are: country-based technical assistance missions; multi- and single-country training; continuous engagement; online and blended learning; and the use of long-term experts if necessary.
With a focus on low- and lower middle-income countries and fragile and conflict-affected states, D4D-II’s expected outcomes, as captured in a robust strategic logical framework, are to allow access to better and more data to empower decision-making and enhance public transparency and accountability; support global financial inclusion policymaking in the face of evolving financial services and needs; expand global reach of statistics training via online learning; strengthen data transparency, as a public good, by helping countries begin participating in and/or advancing through the three tiers of the IMF Data Standards Initiatives; and strengthen compilation and dissemination of select macro-relevant environmental and climate change statistics.
For more information, please visit the D4D Fund website:
Progress towards outcomes under D4D-II will be monitored via a detailed strategic log frame, based on the country-level IMF results-based management system. A mid-term external evaluation would also be undertaken in line with IMF practices.