Commit to data and transform action into impact.

The “Commit to Data” campaign builds on the outcomes of previous UN World Data Forums (UNWDF), such as the Cape Town Global Action Plan, which guides sustainable development data initiatives until 2030. By harnessing global commitments, the UNWDF aims to drive sustainable development with robust data systems, ensuring this year’s Forum accelerates progress and delivers tangible, positive impacts worldwide.

In Medellin, let’s commit to turning dialogue into transformative change.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can make a commitment?

Commitments are open to all organizations and can be made by:

  • Governments
  • Private Sector
  • International or regional organizations (including UN agencies and other multilaterals)
  • Civil Society
  • Philanthropy
  • Academia and research associations

What types of commitments are there?

The campaign encourages commitments that focus on strengthening data systems at all geographical levels, from local to global. Commitments extend beyond financial contributions and can include in-kind support such as establishing new partnerships or collaborations, strengthening and scaling up existing programs, reaffirming work programs to close data gaps, and more.

What makes a strong commitment?

Strong commitments are voluntary, time-bound, and include measurable intended impacts and outcomes. They should support the Cape Town Global Action Plan’s mission to leverage data for sustainable development, ensuring no one is left behind in the pursuit of the SDGs. Specifically, strong commitments should:

  • Be actionable and impactful
  • Have clear, measurable outcomes
  • Contribute to the achievement of the SDGs
  • Be time-bound

Is there a specific time-range for commitments?

The length of commitments will vary based on their nature but should ideally run through 2030 to align with the SDGs timeline.

What is the deadline for submitting a commitment?

Commitments should be submitted before the UN World Data Forum. We strongly encourage early submissions to increase the chances of your commitment being featured in media outlets covering the campaign and highlighted during the UN World Data Forum in dedicated sessions, plenaries, and other events.

Do commitments need to be brand new initiatives or beyond what is already planned by an institution?

Commitments can build on existing initiatives or be entirely new. The key is that they are actionable, measurable, and contribute towards the SDGs.

Can a commitment be made by one organization or does it need to be in partnership with others?

Commitments can be made by a single organization or in partnership with others. Submitted commitments should include contact information to allow for potential collaborations.

Is there a maximum number of commitments an organization can make or be involved in?

No, there is no maximum. Organizations can make and be involved in as many commitments as they’d like.

How will commitments be measured and monitored?

Commitments are voluntary and self-led by the organization. The UNWDF will continue to seek opportunities to report on progress and highlight impacts following the 2024 UNWDFpost-UNWDF.

What is the commitment making process?

To make a commitment, an organization can fill out the commitment form on our website. Following the review of the inputs, the Secretariat will reach out to the main point of contact with any follow up questions, before uploading the commitment to the website.

My organization has made progress on my commitment. How can I update the text on the Commit to Data website?

Organizations can update the text about their commitments, highlighting any progress made, using this form.