Promoting and Measuring Universal and Meaningful Connectivity
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
European Union (financial donor)
The ITU-EC project aims to operationalize and advance the Targets for universal and meaningful connectivity , established by the International Telecommunication Union, the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology and their partners.
Universal and meaningful connectivity (UMC) is the possibility for everyone to enjoy a safe, satisfying, enriching and productive online experience at an affordable cost. As of 2024, 2.6 bln persons are still offline, not benefitting of the digital environment.
Key activities include advocacy for UMC to different audiences; capacity building for producers and users of ICT statistics; evidence-based research on digital policies to progress towards UMC.
Project KPIs include impact indicators (UMC targets) calculated from ICT statistics collected by ITU, outcome and output indicators calculated from project records.