
Supporting statistical capacity building in Latin America and the Caribbean

Organization: Multilateral Data Type: Official statistics, Survey data, Administrative data, Civil registration and vital statistics, Census
Region: Regional Timeline: Continuous.
Jose Antonio Mejia (Contact Person)
Sponsoring Organization:

Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)

Supporting Organization(s):


Increase the use of and access to official statistical information in public and private decision-making, fully compatible with democratic processes characterized by transparency and accountability. This objective will be accomplished by promoting investments to: (i) improve the quality of official statistical information in terms of relevance, timeliness, reliability, and accessibility; and (ii) strengthen the institutional capacity of National Statistical Offices in their role as coordinators of the National Statistical System.


The demand for more data, that flows with higher frequency is not always matched with a commitment to invest in the capacity to generate those data in a sustainable way. This is complemented with data that is underutilized limiting the return to the investment made to generate it.

The IADB is committed to working together with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to improve statistical capacity development by:

a)      Strengthening institutional capacity of national statistical offices.

b)      Supporting investments in the production of official statistics that are relevant, timely, reliable and accessible.

c)      Promoting wide dissemination of data and incentivizing data use.

d)      Leveraging technical and methodological innovations.

To do this the IADB will continue collaborating with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean through:

a)      Investment loans.

b)      Grants.

c)      Technical cooperation.

d)      Training and knowledge products.

All these within the framework of South-South coordination and collaboration promoted by the Statistical Conference of the Americas.

Self-evaluation based on results matrices developed for each project.