Applying a quality of life and payment capacity survey at the territorial level in Bogotá

Organization: Government Data Type: Official statistics, Survey data, Geospatial data
Region: Local Timeline: The main activity will be the field operation during the first half of 2025. In order to achieve that set date, both Secretaria Distrital de Planeación and DANE have been discussing the terms of a contract to be signed at the beginning of 2025. First results would be available at the end of 2025.
Andrés Leonardo Acosta (Contact Person)
Sponsoring Organization:

Secretaria Distrital de Planeación from Bogota, Colombia

Supporting Organization(s):


With the quality of life and payment capacity survey (in Spanish, Encuesta Multipropósito) the city government intends to have information at the local level for at least 70 areas in the city and its rural zone. It also would retrieve information of surrounding towns with sufficient cultural, economic and demographic relations with the city itself.


Bogotá and its surrounding region are inhabited by close to 10 million people. The city itself is divided in 20 administrative mayoralties and some of the surrounding municipalities show stark differences between their rural and urban areas. While the Colombian national institute for statistics generates valuable data, the aggregation level at which the data is presented does not fully represent the variation among the aforementioned areas. Even more, as Colombia presents high level of inequality and its cities show patterns of spatial segregation, median statistics could hide local or hiperlocalized social problems.

The city government intends to apply the Encuesta Multipropósito (Multipurpose survey) in partnership with the Colombian National Institute of Statistics (DANE) during the first semester of 2025. In order to achieve that objective, both entities have been working together for the better part of the last year in order to design the final questionary, define the representative areas, calculate operational costs, include extra municipalities, set the sampling strategies, among other administrative and technical issues. The objective is to have first available results at the end of 2025.

It should be noted that because it is the city’s purpose to have representation at a very small geographical scale, the whole operation is very sample intensive.