Approve new statistical plan in Bogotá, Colombia

Organization: Government Data Type: Monitoring and evaluation
Region: Local Timeline: Diagnosis: March-July 2024 Implementation: August- November 2024 Monitoring and evaluation: January 2025-December 2029
Andrés Leonardo Acosta (Contact Person)
Sponsoring Organization:

Secretaria Distrital de Planeación from Bogota, Colombia

Supporting Organization(s):


To improve the quality, availability, comparability of the information to foster its constant use in the decision-making process.


The new statistical plan 2025-2029 (PED, by its Spanish acronym) intends to improve data quality and production at the city level. The PED is a tool which organizes activities into strategies in order to identify information production and demand (both satisfied and not satisfied) then stablish a realistic path to fulfill information needs, improve the quality and availability of information currently produced, and generate the necessary documentation to have a more robust information ecosystem.

The process to adopt a new statistical plan has two main phases: diagnosis and formulation. The first phase, from March to July, evaluates if the goals set by the previous plan (2019-2024) where fulfilled. In this phase better practices and lessons are identified. The second phase from August to November identifies the main problem by sector, its causes and consequences and preliminary actions and commitments to solve them. Those activities and commitments are organized in strategies that try to cover the fundamental causes of the problems identified in the previous step. The commitments and activities are developed in a coherent set of indicators with clear objectives that can be monitored during the duration of the plan.
It is worth noting that Bogotá is committed to the use of administrative records to produce timely and reliable information. Therefore, the statistical plan recognizes the need to continually improve the quality of the administrative records. One project related with this line of work is the development of the Social Registry (Registro social). With this project most of the information generated in the interaction between the citizens and the government will be centralized in one information system. It is expected that this project will vastly improve the way in which government programs are being focalized.