Committing to advance action, progress and learning on inclusive data
Inclusive Data Charter
The Inclusive Data Charter is a global network of governments and organizations, hosted by the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data.
The Inclusive Data Charter (IDC), a key initiative of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, is a global network which works to mobilize political commitments and action to improve the collection, analysis and use of inclusive, disaggregated data. Since 2018, the IDC has tripled in size, garnered commitments from more than 30 diverse Champions, and supported them in accelerating and deepening progress. From local to global, we collaborate with partners to put inclusion at the heart of data systems and practice.
We commit to continuing to advance action, progress and learning on inclusive data. We will do this by growing and expanding our network of inclusive data champions, strengthening support to governments and organizations to develop and implement their inclusive data action plans, and developing and disseminating guidance to support agencies on their inclusive data journey.
Several common yet interlinking challenges are involved with deepening action on inclusive data. These issues often stem from limited political will, technical expertise or capacity challenges, and limited coordination and exchange across institutions. To make fair and equitable decisions, we urgently need to have data that reflects the realities of all people's lives, especially those who are marginalized
Over the next 3 years, we commit to:
- Growing the IDC Champions network. We will increase the IDC network by at least 10 champions, expanding the types of champions at global, national, and local levels. We will encourage the champions to make bigger and bolder commitments to prioritising and improving inclusive data through the development of action plans.
- Supporting Champions to advance their inclusive data action plans. We will support governments and organizations to implement their inclusive data action plans and help them realize these goals through producing and sharing guidance to support them on their inclusive data journey. This will include publishing an updated IDC vision and principles document that sets out how agencies can apply the principles, in light of new developments in the inclusive data landscape in recent years, such as digital inclusion, data governance and intersectionality. By 2026, we will develop and disseminate an Inclusive Data Playbook with tools and tips to guide agencies in the application of inclusive data practices.
- Fostering partnerships and collaborations. We will continue to bridge the gap between different areas of inclusive data - from gender, disability, and age to intersectionality – and bring together governments and organizations to collaborate to tackle common challenges, and share progress. We will share our insights and learnings with others in the development sector to contribute to best practice on inclusive data.
Progress towards these commitments will be monitored through existing mechanisms such as the IDC annual reporting which is published on our website: