
Filling the knowledge gap in data governance and coordination through development of practical tools and guidance materials

Organization: Multilateral Data Type: Official statistics, Administrative data
Region: Global Timeline: July 2024-July 2026
Vibeke Oestreich Nielsen, UN Statistics Division (Contact Person)
Sponsoring Organization:

Collaborative on administrative data

Supporting Organization(s):

The Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and the United Nations Statistics Division

The Collaborative on administrative data (CAD) commits to continue development of practical tools and guidance documents to help fill the knowledge and technical capacity gaps that many countries face when it comes to use of administrative data sources. By mid-2026, the CAD will have developed at least five new practically oriented guidances or tools. These materials will also likely be applicable for other data sources. As of July 2024, the CAD has already initiated work on a practical advocacy toolkit that can be used when national statistical offices and administrative data holders engage; a practical guide on how to set up metadata systems and collaborate with administrative data holders around metadata and; a practical guide on data linking. The members of the CAD will agree in the first 6-9 months of this commitment to additional guidance materials to be developed.
There is a large gap in availability of statistics for informed decision making in many countries and the members of the national statistical systems are exploring how to improve this. Data collected by governments for administrative purposes are under-utilized for statistics production and can potentially help fill data and statistics gaps, increasing timeliness and granularity. The administrative data are, however, often not in a shape where they can be readily used for statistics. Another challenge is that many statistics offices do not know how to interact with administrative data holders, nor do they have the skills or systems in place to handle administrative data efficiently. There is also a gap in practical guidance on how to put in place data governance systems that can help facilitate collaboration and data sharing with administrative data holders.
The Collaborative on administrative data (CAD) has since its establishment in 2020 focused on filling the knowledge gap that many countries have when it comes to use of administrative data for statistics production. So far, it has developed a i) Template and Guidance on formalizing data sharing; ii) Statistical legal framework self-assessment tool; iii) Toolkit for the assessment of administrative data quality; iv) a training course on use of administrative data for statistics and v) a training course on assessing quality in administrative data. Several expert clinics and webinars have also been held to help facilitate experience exchange and learning across countries and partners. With more and more information becoming digitally available, including administrative data, there are increased opportunities of use, but also an increased need to better govern data management and data flows. The past and future work of the collaborative actively contributes to the global work on improving data governance, by providing countries and partners with opportunities to exchange on good practices related to core issues such as IT infrastructure, data quality assessment and assurance, structuring metadata and formalizing data sharing. Work thus far has been possible through the in-kind time commitments of members and by funds secured by UN Statistics Division and UN Women. The CAD will aim to fundraise to potentially increase the availability of materials, as well as providing more in-country experience exchanges and capacity development support.
The commitment can be measured by checking availability of new practical guidance and tools on the webpage of the CAD here: https://unstats.un.org/UNSDWebsite/capacity-development/admin-data/tools.