Interoperable information systems for better data integration in LAC countries

Organization: Multilateral Data Type: Official statistics, Survey data, Geospatial data, Census, Data for SDG monitoring
Region: Regional Timeline: Continuous
Rolando Ocampo (Contact Person)
Sponsoring Organization:


Supporting Organization(s):


ECLAC is committed to strengthen capacities of LAC NSOs in the implementation of flexible information systems based on open source technologies, which guarantee their interoperability to achieve dissemination platforms that integrate statistical, geospatial, qualitative and multimedia data.


The development of data portals for the dissemination of official statistics and geospatial data requires interoperable information systems that facilitate the integration of data into accessible, attractive and user-friendly solutions. The greater availability of new open source technologies that do not depend on proprietary licenses has become a necessary roadmap for national statistical offices, and in this sense, ECLAC supports its Member States in the implementation of innovative solutions adapted to their needs and priorities.

 The implementation of these technical assistance activities includes national workshops, NSO visits and continuous online assistance carry out by ECLAC's technical teams.

Self-evaluation within ECLAC's team and periodic reporting of progress to the countries.