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Civil society, academia, private sector, government, and international agencies are committing to making the 2024 UNWDF data-driven and action-packed. Search the inventory to discover the organizations leading the way.

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Organization type
Geographic focus
Data focus
Commitment:Committing to Collective Action: Measuring Progress for Sustainable Development
Organization(s):Global Data Barometer
Organization type:Civil Society
Geographic focus:Global
Data focus:Official statistics, Administrative data, Artificial Intelligence, Civil registration and vital statistics, Census, Cross-cutting
Commitment:Towards Better and More Efficient Gender Data Support to LMICs: A New Gender Data Collaborative
Organization type:Civil Society
Geographic focus:Global
Data focus:Cross-cutting
Commitment:Strengthing national statistical capacities by adopting a strategic approach to learning and training
Organization(s):Global Network of Institutions for Statistical Training (GIST)
Organization type:Government
Geographic focus:National
Data focus:Official statistics, Cross-cutting, Other
Commitment:Filling the knowledge gap in data governance and coordination through development of practical tools and guidance materials
Organization(s):Collaborative on administrative data
Organization type:Multilateral
Geographic focus:Global
Data focus:Official statistics, Administrative data
Commitment:Data Governance Fit for Children
Organization type:Multilateral
Geographic focus:Global
Data focus:Data for SDG monitoring, Cross-cutting
Commitment:Filling priority information needs through collaboration and innovation
Organization(s):United Nations Statistics Division
Organization type:Other
Geographic focus:Global
Data focus:Official statistics, Citizen data, Private sector data, Geospatial data, Administrative data, Artificial Intelligence, Cross-cutting

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