Hosting a Global Data Festival with the Government of Kenya in May 2026
Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
Government of Kenya
We commit to hosting a Global Data Festival in Kenya in May 2026, six months ahead of the next World Data Forum. The festival will advance data progress in Africa and globally. The objective is to leverage global convening across all sectors and partnerships to unlock the power of data for better decisions and better lives.
We are off-track with the SDGs, poor data and underfunded foundational systems are compounding problems, along with skills gaps in emergent areas such as AI, digital economies and data science.
In addition to the Global Data Festival in Nairobi Kenya in May 2026, we will host several warm up events in 2025 in Botswana and Ghana.
We poll partners on their desired objectives for the festival and survey them afterwards to ensure we have delivered on their needs. We publish an extensive post event evaluation as well as impact stories examining individual stories of progress catalyzed by the festival.