
Strengthing national statistical capacities by adopting a strategic approach to learning and training

Organization: Government Data Type: Official statistics, Cross cutting, Sustainable training and learning
Region: National Timeline: Mid-2026
Ms. Vibeke Oestreich Nielsen, GIST Secretariat, UN Statistical Division (Contact Person)
Sponsoring Organization:

Global Network of Institutions for Statistical Training (GIST)

Supporting Organization(s):

GIST currently has the following members: and stakeholder advisory group: UN Statistics Division, as the secretariat of GIST, is submitting this commitment on behalf of GIST members.

Strengthen national statistical capacities to produce official statistics of high quality by supporting countries to apply a strategic approach to learning and training by adopting STAT and thus identify and analyze skills gaps of staff. Based on this, they discuss and decide on how to prioritize and meet their training needs by using different types of informal and formal learning approaches. GIST is committed to supporting ten countries adopting STAT by mid-2026 of which at least 5 have set up an institutional training plan.
Statistical training is key to increasing the skills of staff at National Statistical Offices (NSOs) and the wider National Statistical System (NSS). In many countries, there is, however, no institutional training plan in place to ensure the capacity development of staff. In addition, training is often dependent on formal trainings provided by partners. To respond to this, the Global Network of Institutions for Statistical Training (GIST) has developed the Statistical Training needs Assessment Tool (STAT) which the NSO can use to identify, prioritize, and meet training needs among its staff and those of the NSS. As part of the prioritization, countries also discuss learning and training approaches and training strategies.
GIST is a network of international and regional institutions and NSOs, that provide training outside their own borders, working together to build sustainable statistical capacities through efficient, effective, and harmonized delivery of training. In addition, the Stakeholder Advisory Group consisting of 12 NSOs provides input and guidance on the direction of the work, ensuring that the work of GIST members is relevant to them and other target users. GIST launched STAT at the UN Statistical Commission in 2024 and supports its implementation in interested countries. STAT is a country-owned tool to help the NSO think strategically about competence development. The tool consists of 1) three questionnaires to assess skills levels and training needs; 2) a guidance document to support the i) analysis of data, ii) prioritization of training needs, iii) the establishment of a training strategy and iv) an institutional training plan. Further, STAT promotes the use of a range of informal and formal learning approaches (not just training in a classroom format), such as the use of in-house expertise where staff trains other staff, the use of free e-learning available e.g. on UN SDG:Learn, improvement of knowledge sharing and the development of a learning organization. With this commitment, GIST will support interested countries in the implementation of STAT, remote and in-country, in launching the STAT surveys, analyzing the data and putting together an institutional training plan based on the results of the surveys and identifying how the training needs can be met through own resources, free online resources and through national and international partners. GIST members have already secured funds to support a few countries, but will fundraise and further explore internal opportunities to support more countries.
GIST’s Task Team 1 on addressing NSOs’ demands, will take stock of the progress of the commitment during each Task Team meeting which takes place about four times a year.